Thursday 18 November 2010

Javvarisi Semiya Pudding

Javvarisi - 2 tbsp
Semiya - 1/4 cup, roasted in ghee until golden and fragrant
Sugar - 1/3 cup, or to taste
Cardamom - 2, seeds removed from pods and powdered
Milk - 1 1/2 to 2 cups
Raisins - 10-15
Cashews - 8-10, broken in half
Ghee - small amount to fry raisins and cashews

1.Place about 1 cup water in pan and bring to boil.
2. Add the javvarasi/sago to the boiling water and cook until they become transparent and soft.
3.You may need to add some more water, depending on how small the sago are and how fast they cook.
4.Once the javvarasi is just about cooked, add the semiya to the same pan and continue cooking until the semiya is cooked. This should take just a couple of minutes.
5.At this point, add the sugar to the pan and stir to dissolve it. The consistency should be fairly thick at this point.
6.Now, add the milk to the consistency that you like
7.Once the milk begins to simmer, turn the heat off. Add the cardamom powder.
8.Lastly, fry the raisins and cashews in a little bit of ghee and add to the payasam.

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